

Studing Spanish

1 Tengo hambre.

2 Cánto cuesta?

3 No hable espanol muy bien.

4  Donde comemos?

5 Sube o baja?

6 Quiero una habitacion tranquila.

7  Puedo pasar?

8 A que hora sale el AVE para Sevilla?

9 Hace mucho calor.

10 Hace una semana que estamos aqui.

11 Va este autobus a la Plaza de Espana?



1 お腹すいてます

2 いくらかかりますか?

3 私はスペイン語を早く話せない

4 どこで食べますか?

5 上がりますか?下がりますか?

6 静かな部屋が欲しいです

7 入っていいですか?

8 AVEは何時にセビリアに向けて出発しましたか?

9 とても暑いです

10 一週間私たちはここにいます

11 このバスはスペイン広場に行きますか?


Today was been a month since I steated English conversation on online.

Today was been a month since I steated English conversation on online.

I told that an effective and a gole.


1. How was English conversation on online?

I used 'DMM eikaiwa' for a month.

Because  first I used free trial lesson on 'DMM eikaiwa' and 'Native camp'.

Compered to them, I though that DMM eikaiwa is easily to use a sistyem than Neitive camp.

Also, In my opiniin, There are people who are competible on DMM eikaiwa.


Using it for a month, I fond two chenges in my mind.

First,  I not needed to afreid of speaking English with foreigner.

Even, when I had stressed a lesson on a week since I started.

But, gradually, I had a little confident because my mistakes were pointed out more 10 times in 25minutes.

I thougt 'It’s all right to make mistakes!'


2What is my goal on English conversation?

To make friend from overseas and go to an abroad.

It’s not a business, but a hobby.

And after finished the corona pandemic, I absorutely want to go to a Mexico ,Philippines , Canada, India, Hongkon, Spanish and Ruwanda.

I’m going to study more so I can talk to foreigner !


That's all!

Thank you for reading my blog!!



Today's blog

I've lost my porpuse studding English for a long time.

When I was young, I joined in English cram shool  two times a week  about  11 years.

But althoght I did't improve my English skill, I quitted it.

It was very ashamed for me.

So, I dicided to learning English agein.


But I noticed a fact.

I actually don't love English even thoght I don't hate it.

Now, I take English conversation on online everyday.

First, it was very difficult but recentry I used to speak in English.

I' d like to keep studing it and want to find a motivation to studing English in the future.


That's all!

Thank you for watching!!

















スペイン語例文 初~中級編!




1 Hoy voy a la librería.

2¿Qué vas a hacer durante el fin de semana?

3Hay papel y bolígrafo en mi escritorio.

4¿Cuántos miembros de la familia?

5dar un paseo por la tarde

6Quiero usar ropa bonita.












¿Qué tal? Adiós!
